Thank You!

Thank You!

Thank you for taking the time to come to this website. Together, we can stop this harmful attack on our livelihoods and move forward in a better direction.

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Thanks and Congratulations to the New Trustees!

Thank you to all who voted in the elections of Trustees of Drainage District #37 aka Pickerel Run. Congratulations to Allen McGranahan, who was elected to a 3-year term, Bill Gerdeman, who was elected to a 2-year term, and Rodney Dillard, who was elected to a 1-year term. These landowners are committed to serving the landowners of DD#37 in an economically and environmentally responsible manner.

The Trustees have begun meeting and prioritizing. Meeting agendas and approved minutes of past meetings will be posted to this website.

Please continue to support the newly elected Trustees as they do their best to guide the district into the future.